Griffex airdrop free 9400 GFX Tokens - $94 + ref

Griffex an airdrop 9400 GFX Tokens for anyone participating in the Griffex airdrop program. Sign up at their website, complete easy social tasks and submit your details to the airdrop page to receive up to 9400 GFX tokens. Also, earn 1000 GFX tokens for each referral.
Griffex airdrop
Cryto Name : Griffex
Symbol : GFT
Bonus : 9400 GFX = $94
Validasi : 100% REAL
ICO price : $0.01
Total volue : 50.000.000 GFT
Participants : Unlimited
Token type : ETH (ERC20)
Airdrop Link : Go to airdrop
Step by Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Griffex website.
  2. Sign up and verify your email address.
  3. Join their Telegram group. (+500 GFX)
  4. Join their Discord channel. (+500 GFX)
  5. Follow them on Twitter. (+150 GFX)
  6. Follow them on Facebook. (+100 GFX)
  7. Follow them on Linkedin. (+100 GFX)
  8. Follow them on Instagram. (+100 GFX)
  9. Subscribe to their Reddit page. (+100 GFX)
  10. Similarly, complete other easy tasks from their airdrop page.
  11. Click on "Submit Task" and submit your details.
  12. You will receive up to 9400 GFX tokens for completing all the tasks.
  13. Also, earn 1000 GFX tokens for each referral.
Subscribe Airdrops-ICO get the latest Upadate Airdrop. Also follow Facebook, Twitter and our Youtube Channel.

About Griffex
Griffex is a new flexible trading platform that offers features that takes care of the prevalent flaws and loopholes of the current exchanges. a marketplace for smart sale and purchase of cryptocurrencies, a flexible trading platform presenting an opportunity for seasoned investors, retail traders, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts at managing multi-currency investment portfolio.

Digital Asset Exchange and Investment Platform
Griffex exchange platform is all about changing the way people make money with one central idea: earn from anywhere, at any time, and from any device. The revolutionary exchange and investment platform is all set to bring down the cultural and financial barriers ramparting the mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies. Join the ranks of revolutionary visionaries advocating and readily recruiting evermore people into the ambit of burgeoning crypto-economy, Read Whitepaper here.

Get airdrop bonus worth $94

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